Edmonton, Alberta — Have you ever found yourself at the hardware store and spotted a piece of wood you just had to have? Like the wood is speaking to your soul, just begging for you to build something with it; only problem is you drove the family coupe instead of your trusty Ford F-150.
That is presumably what happened to this Alberta driver, who was recently pulled over by local RCMP for driving with an abnormally long piece of lumber hanging out the window.
Naturally, the jousting puns ensued.
“We think this is pretty straightforward, but joust in case, Alberta RCMP Traffic members would like to remind all Albertans that our roadways are not jousting tourneys,” the RCMP branch wrote on Twitter.
The driver was fined for transporting goods without properly securing them, which carries a voluntary payment of $486–surely more than the wood originally cost him, even with inflation.