

A tale of resilience and growth with Fix Auto Cape Breton

Ajhen Deschamps’ remarkable journey from a challenging upbringing to a promising future as an auto apprentice at Fix Auto Cape Breton is a testament to the transformative power of resilience, redemption, and personal growth.

Growing up in Edmonton, Alberta, Ajhen’s early years were marked by adversity and hardship. He candidly describes his upbringing as “bad,” shaped by the shadows of intergenerational trauma stemming from the residential school system.

Ajhen’s childhood was marked by instability and upheaval, moving between group homes and foster care placements. At the tender age of five, his father left the family, thrusting Ajhen into the role of “man of the house” and forcing him to mature far beyond his years.

The turmoil of his upbringing left its mark on Ajhen, manifesting in behaviors he now describes with regret. He admits to being a bully in his youth, grappling with anger and resentment. However, amid adversity, Ajhen yearned for transformation.

The turning point came when Ajhen met his now-wife, Sarah, while working in Fort McMurray, sparking a journey of love and transformation aimed at creating a better life for himself and his future family. Together, they made the bold decision to leave behind their familiar surroundings and return out east, where Sarah was from and where her family still resided, seeking new opportunities and a fresh start.

Ajhen’s diligent efforts caught the attention and admiration of many, which gave him the opportunity he currently embraces as an apprentice at Fix Auto Cape Breton. At 37, he now has his sights set on returning to school to pursue his red seal certification, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to personal and professional growth.

This newfound path unfolded while Ajhen juggled two jobs at Subway and a local movie rental store, refining his customer service skills along the way. It was during this time that fate intervened in the form of Brent Sampson, the owner of Fix Auto Cape Breton and the local Wilsons gas station, who frequented the Subway where Ajhen worked. Impressed by Ajhen’s exceptional work ethic and interpersonal abilities, Brent extended an offer for him to join the team as a gas attendant at Wilsons.

For nearly four years, Ajhen worked at the gas station, enjoying the company of those he encountered during the bustling tourist seasons and brightening the days of returning locals until its closure, leaving many community members concerned about Ajhen’s next steps. However, Ajhen had already been offered an apprenticeship at the Fix Auto business – An opportunity that he embraced, drawn to the hands-on nature of the work and the chance to learn something new every day.

Since joining Fix Auto Cape Breton as an apprentice, Ajhen has been thriving. Under the mentorship of John MacDonell, Fix Auto Cape Breton’s head technician with 37 years of experience, and with the support of the entire Fix Auto Cape Breton team, Ajhen has come to master tasks like sanding doors and has recently learned to mix paint, approaching each challenge with enthusiasm and determination.

His advice to those considering a similar path is simple yet profound: “Go for it. Try something new. You may like it or maybe not, but then you know.” Throughout his journey, Ajhen has left a profound impact on those around him. Customers are drawn to his warm demeanor and even before officially joining the Fix Auto team, his colleagues recall him always going out of his way to help them in any way he could. His genuine care and dedication have earned him a reputation as a trusted and beloved member of the community.

Every aspect of Ajhen’s work today presents an opportunity for growth, and by seizing the opportunities that have been presented to him, he embodies the spirit of resilience and determination that define the Fix Auto brand. His story serves as a powerful reminder of the fortitude of the human spirit, and through his unwavering determination and positive attitude, he inspires others to pursue their dreams with courage and conviction.


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