
The Most Important Bosses: CARSTAR gives back to Halifax school teacher for Teacher Appreciation Week

Halifax, Nova Scotia — In honour of those who can never be afforded enough praise in our society, CARSTAR has recognized Louise Greeley of Grosvenor-Wentworth Park Elementary School in Halifax, N.S. for national Teacher Appreciation Week.

As a reward for the impact that many former students have attributed to Greeley on their lives, CARSTAR decided to gift the veteran teacher of 21 years with a free auto body repair on her vehicle, or the value of one.

“We wanted to do something special for the hardworking educators of Halifax,” said CARSTAR’s zone director for the Atlantic region, Dave Meery.

“We have seen teachers surpass several obstacles these past two years, always putting their students first. We wanted to pay it forward and give back to those who have done so much for our community.”

Further demonstrating her unending service to the students in her community, Greeley ultimately decided to share her prize with the school she has dedicated so much of her career to.

Along with the numerous nominations that brought Greeley to the attention of CARSTAR came several messages of positivity from former students about their teacher.

“She is a hard-working teacher who has given so much of her own money (and time, and energy) into her classroom. I’m surprised she isn’t living in her beautiful, inviting, well organized classroom. She’s given so much to everyone around her, she deserves something back,” read one message.

“As a teacher of 21 years, Louise goes above and beyond the call of duty each day. From volunteering for overnight weekend-long band trips to helping to write new curriculum to heading up the yearbook and GSA committees, she does all this unpaid work to make sure students don’t miss out,” read another.

“If you ask any of her former students, they will tell you that they felt loved and safe in Louise’s classroom. She works harder than anyone I know and deserves a safe vehicle to get to work in.”


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