
The Hybrid Shop showcases new battery pack conditioning method at NACE

Gainesville, Virginia — October 21, 2013 — The Hybrid Shop (THS), an international network of dealers committed to providing care for hybrid-electric vehicles (HEVs), announced a new method of battery pack conditioning for hybrids at its booth (C1165) during NACE.

“Our new method of hybrid battery pack conditioning restores hybrid batteries to up to 95 percent of their original power and energy while saving hybrid owners money and helping to protect the environment,” says Matt Curry, CEO of The Hybrid Shop. “Our goal at NACE was to educate the market and continue building our growing international dealer network of expert HEV shops with the finest reputations for technical expertise and customer service.”

By offering hybrid owners the option to restore instead of replace the HEV battery pack, in conjunction with a full range of hybrid maintenance and diagnostic services, THS is aiming to capitalize on a growing automotive trend. In the U.S., there are approximately 3 million hybrids on the road today, with twice that number anticipated by 2015. This changeover to hybrids is not just occurring in the U.S., it’s growing worldwide. In Japan, hybrids have already captured 22 percent of the automobile market.

THS’ patent-pending method of hybrid battery reconditioning is the culmination of years of scientific study and trials conducted by Dr. Mark Quarto and his team of experts at the Automotive Research Design department (AR&D). Meanwhile Matt and Judy Curry bring 30 years of experience within the auto repair industry to THS with 10 profitable service centers in the metro Washington, D.C. area. Their invaluable experience in operations, sales, marketing and branding is being leveraged to assist THS dealer partners with continuing growth and marketplace expansion.

By affiliating with THS, dealer partners earn exclusive rights in their respective geographic areas to provide a unique set of environmentally friendly HEV services that deliver maximum value and vehicle longevity. These include:

  • A battery pack conditioning solution that costs a third of the value of purchasing a replacement battery. Battery restoration can save consumers thousands of dollars, while relegating fewer batteries to landfills and less toxic substances to the waste stream. At the same time, no new resources are needed to build a new battery.
  • An innovative, science-based and technically-validated method that can be repeated as often as necessary.
  • Improvement of fuel economy up to 35 percent, depending on the state of the battery. Drivers, in fact, experience better fuel economy and performance the minute they drive away.
  • A comprehensive State of Health (SOH) diagnostic checkup for HEVs that can spot future mechanical concerns before they require costly repairs. This diagnostic “crystal ball” uses a unique predictive analysis methodology to show how different mechanical components of the car are trending.

In addition, THS dealer partners are provided access to world-class instruction, proprietary technical equipment, education, operational/sales support and branding materials to position them for success across their local HEV markets.

For more information on The Hybrid Shop, please visit thehybridshop.com.


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