
The Autonomous Report: Court battle between Google and Uber heats up

The scene of a recent accident in Arizona involving an Uber self-driving vehicle (right). According to one eyewitness, who thought the Uber had a human driver, 'It was the (Uber) driver's fault for trying to beat the light and hitting the gas so hard.'

By Jeff Sanford Toronto, Ontario — April 9, 2017 — In this week’s Autonomous Report, we look at how advanced technology may lead to driver complacency and more crashes, the latest update on the court battle between Google and Uber over allegedly stolen tech, how a race between nine autonomous vehicles (AVs) only saw four […]

The Autonomous Report: Mercedes ‘solves’ the Trolley Problem and AVs may only work in limited areas

A Mercedes Benz exec recently revealed the company plans to prioritize occupant safety over that of pedestrians when it comes to autonomous vehicles.

By Jeff Sanford Toronto, Ontario — October 16, 2016 — Autonomous vehicles (AVs) continued to grab headlines in the tech and business press this week. Some of the highlights include Mercedes Benz indicating they’ll prioritize driver safety over pedestrians, the potential for aftermarket solutions, more controversy surrounding Tesla’s Autopilot function and MIT Technology Review predicts […]
