Going to the PUB: MPI requests 1.2 percent rate reduction, $335 million rebate for customers
Winnipeg, Manitoba — Some much deserved relief could be on its way to Manitoba drivers as MPI has announced that it has requested a 1.2 percent rate decrease and $335 million rebate from the Public Utilities Board (PUB). Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) originally filed its preliminary 2022/23 General Rate Application with the PUB in June […]
REELING IN THE NET Auto claims costs are down in Manitoba as the provincial insurer reported a 27.3 percent drop in the first quarter of 2021. The cost reduction takes the form of a $89.4 million savings for MPI. MPI also reported $115.5 million in net income for the first three months of the year […]
Reeling in the Net: MPI reports claims costs down, net income $115.5 million
Winnipeg, Manitoba — Auto claims costs are down in Manitoba as the provincial insurer reported a 27.3 percent drop in the first quarter of 2021. “The first quarter of 2021/22 saw a continuation of the favourable claims experience of 2020/21 with the frequency of collisions occurring at a rate approximately 20 percent lower than generally […]
Crash Quota: MPI warns of crash increase alongside lifted COVID-19 restrictions
Winnipeg, Manitoba — As provinces delve deeper into re-opening stages, Manitoba’s MPI is reminding drivers that as life returns to normal, so too will traffic accident rates as commuters start resuming regular schedules. According to Manitoba Public Insurance, the number of deaths and serious injuries from car crashes spiked during the months public health orders […]
DONE DEAL Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) has signed a new deal with the Automotive Trades Association of Manitoba (ATA) and the Manitoba Motor Dealers Association (MMDA). All parties have given the thumbs up to a new Light Vehicle Accreditation Agreement (LVAA) model, which is focused on meaningful consultation between the repair industry and the province’s […]
DIAMOND JUBILEE Small town bodyshop Virden Auto Body celebrated 60 years in business with an article in its local newspaper. The Beltz family has owned the business since 1972. Garry Beltz took over the business from its original owners, Tony Wade and Bob Smith, and the facility has been led by Garry’s son, Todd, for […]
Fewer Fees: Manitoba commits to reducing vehicle registration fees
Winnipeg, Manitoba — The Manitoba government says it will be reducing vehicle registration fees on July 1, for the second year in a row, Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler announced on Thursday. “As part of our government’s Budget 2021 announcement, we’ve committed to protecting Manitobans’ income by reducing vehicle registration fees by a further 10 per […]
To Each Their Own: MPI makes compensation agreements directly with Manitoba body shops, automotive associations displeased
Winnipeg, Manitoba — Last Fall, Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) and two automotive associations entered into negotiations to discuss compensation increases. However, after many months of negotiations, MPI determined that negotiations with the Manitoba Motor Dealers Association (MMDA) and the Automotive Trades Association (ATA) could no longer proceed. And it exercised its right to terminate the industry […]
Justice Served: Winnipeg man charged for arson in million-dollar bodyshop fire
Winnipeg, Manitoba — Winnipeg police have laid arson charges against a man in relation to a million-dollar fire at an autobody shop in Feb. 2020. Henry’s Provencher Autobody and Frameworks suffered a devastating fire last winter, which resulted in significant damage to the St. Boniface, Man. business last winter. The structure and all of its […]
Border Bond: Manitoba, North Dakota govs. collaborate on truck driver vaccine initiative
Bismarck, North Dakota — In an act of cross-border-collaboration, the governments of Manitoba and the U.S. state of North Dakota announced on Tuesday the Essential Worker Cross-Border Vaccination Initiative, to help protect those essential supply chain workers who travel across the border every day. “As Manitoba faces the third wave of the pandemic and the […]