
Do you need a Joint Health and Safety Committee?

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety logo.

By Mike Davey Hamilton, Ontario — March 30, 2016 — There’s no question that health and safety training is important. Aside from the human cost, there is a very real impact on a body shop’s productivity if workers become sick or injured. Ensuring that you’ve done your due diligence is paramount to protecting your workers […]

Collision industry trends discussed at ICE meeting

Collision industry trends discussed at ICE meeting

Hamilton, Ontario — November 4, 2015 — Employment issues and opportunities in the collision repair industry were front and centre of discussions at a recent meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for Economic and Labour Force Development (ICE). Speaking to the large group were Marc Tremblay, Program Coordinator of AYCE’s pre-apprenticeship training course in Toronto, and […]
