
Talks in Turkey: IBIS to host free event next week

Ankara, Turkey ⁠— The International Bodyshop Industry Symposium (IBIS) will be hosting IBISConnect Turkey next week free of charge. Held Wednesday, October 6, the event will focus on recovery in the post-pandemic era, according to the event agenda.  “In 2020 the business world was suddenly thrown into turmoil beyond anyone’s imagination,” wrote IBIS in its […]

Tough Talks: Steve Fletcher speaks on IBISConnect USA sustainability panel

London, United Kingdom ⁠— Some deep discussions need to be had across the automotive and automotive aftermarket industries if a path toward sustainability and sustainable repairs is to be achieved, according to a panel during the International Bodyshop Industry Symposium (IBIS) broadcast last week. The International Bodyshop Industry Symposium’s IBISConnect USA event took place last […]

Will AI and Virtual Claims Build a Bridge or Widen the Chasm?

A thought leadership article by Sean Carey, President, SCG Management Consulting Anyone that has spent time in and around the auto claims ecosystem recently can’t help but notice that digital and virtual auto claims processing is in vogue, so much so that Insurtech companies and insurers are releasing related new products and services into the […]

Can’t Miss IBIS: IBIS releases two-year events roadmap, 2022 plans for all in-person

Toronto, Ontario — Showing their resilience and ability to adapt on-the-fly, the International Bodyshop Industry Symposium (IBIS) has announced an ambitious two-year events roadmap, according to a press release from Tuesday. IBIS’s schedule for 2021 is set to feature six entirely digital events that are sure to be packed with presentations, panels, interviews and plenty […]

Conferences in the Cloud: IBIS launches digital conference platform

London, United Kingdom — On July 23, the International Bodyshop Industry Symposium (IBIS) launched its all-new digital conference platform, IBISConnect. IBISConnect Africa, the first-ever conference to be hosted on the platform began at 10 a.m. South African Standard Time on July 23, with a schedule chock-full of digital networking opportunities through customized chat rooms, live video […]

Steering Success: IBISConnect Africa explores insurer intelligent repair routing strategies

Cape Town, South Africa — U.K.-based Insurer Admiral Group believes intelligent repair routing strategies—which sees insurers triage collision claims to the “most appropriate” repair facility for the job—could have the power to transform key performance indicators and, by extension, customer reviews and perception. During the IBISConnect Africa broadcast on July 23, Tom Avon, a procurement […]
