
Scientific Oddity: Japanese researchers testing motorized eyes to aid AV-pedestrian safety

Tokyo, Japan — Bodywork meets arts and crafts with the University of Tokyo’s latest project: researchers from the university have developed a cutting-edge pair of motorized eyes for autonomous vehicles, intended to help alert pedestrians to whether they’ve been seen by the vehicle. Unlike today’s vehicles, future AVs may not have human drivers, and will […]

Tuesday Ticker: More findings in Nikola fraud case; GM invests in Quebec-based company

Toronto, Ontario ⁠— In this weekly Tuesday Ticker, an electric EV startup founder reveals more fraudulent details in court, while General Motors invests in a Quebec-based battery initiative.  Breaking down the Badger Remember Nikola, the company that rolled its semi-hauler prototype down a hill as it portrayed the model as fully functional? CEO Trevor Milton […]

Prairie Upgrades: Saskatchewan leads new light vehicle sales for August, says DesRosiers

Ottawa, Ontario — The province may be famous for its flatness, but Saskatchewan led the way in terms of new Canadian vehicle sales this past August, according to recent stats from DesRosiers Automotive Consultants (DAC). While the majority of provinces posted new light vehicle sales decreases in August 2022, the prairie province recorded an estimated 3.5 […]

Tom’s Talk: Tom Bissonnette to be featured on ‘Lessons I’ve Learned’ business panel

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan — Avid readers of Tom Bissonnette’s regular Collision Repair columns will be interested to know that the director of the Saskatchewan Association of Automotive Repairers (SAAR) and former owner of Saskatoon’s Parr Auto Body will be part of a panel presented by KPMG Canada, slated for Oct. 4. “Lessons I’ve Learned” is an […]

A Bash in Burnaby: FinishMaster draws over 250 to annual B.C. trade show

Burnaby, British Columbia — After what felt like an eternity of COVID-19 restrictions, FinishMaster B.C. was finally able to hold its 22nd annual trade show over the second week of September, as more than 250 guests gathered for the festivities and returned home with armfuls of gifts and prizes. The automotive refinishing company held their […]
