
Survey Says looks at common hiring practices among our readers

Our results show that the majority of our readers have not hired individuals outside of Canada.

Toronto, Ontario — August 1, 2017 — There are a variety of ways to swipe up bright eyed and bushy tailed new hires, and our latest survey shows the ways in which our readers hire, whether it through for-profit or non-profit hiring agencies, or finding employees from outside of Canada. 

Collision Repair magazine runs new surveys every week on a variety of topics. The surveys usually consist of just a few multiple choice questions and can be completed in less than two minutes. You can take our latest survey on what keeps our readers up at night, here. 

The first question asked participants if they’ve ever hired outside of Canada. This does not include immigrants, but only individuals who lived outside of Canada throughout and before the hiring process. The majority of participants (60 percent) answered No, while 28 percent answered Yes. 8 percent of participants are considering doing so and 4 percent are looking at Other alternatives. Comments from participants who answered Other include “We have tried at two different times, but there are to many restrictions by the government. One thing or another has kept it from completely finishing, so that both persons could not come to Canada.”

Next, participants were asked on their experience hiring outside of Canada. The majority (44 percent) thought their experience was Okay, both Good and Very good received an equal percentage of 28 percent and no one answered Poor or Very Poor. Evidently this experience has been beneficial for most.

The second question asked participants if they’ve ever tried hiring a staff through a for-profit hiring or recruiting agency. The survey shows that most have not tried this avenue, as 76 percent answered No. Although 24 percent of participant answered Yes and no one is considering this or any other form of recruiting agency.

Further to this question, participants who answered yes were then asked about their experience. The results are somewhat mixed as an equal amount of participants (33 percent) answered Yes and Okay. Poor and Very poor also received an equal percentage of answers at 16 percent. Based on these results, these programs seem to receive more positive feedback although still need improvement in some areas. Comments from participants who answered Very poor include “Expensive. And agency tries to make their people fit our needs rather than finding a fit for us.”

The next question asked participants if they’ve ever hired staff through a non-profit or not-for-profit job agency or community employment program. The majority (56 percent) once again answered No while 44 percent answered Yes. None are considering it or any other hiring program.

Once again participants who answered yes to the last question were asked about their experience. Most participants (54 percent) thought their experience was Okay, 28% thought it was Good and 9 percent thought it was Very good. Only 2 percent answered Poor and none answered Very poor. Non-profit hiring program seem to be getting a much more positive return.

Collision Repair magazine’s next survey takes a look at what’s keeping our readers up at night, and should take less than two minutes to complete. You can participate in that survey at this link, and make sure to watch collisionrepairmag.com next Wednesday for the results!


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