
Strange Claims: SGI reveals strangest automotive insurance fraud attempts in 2023

Regina, Saskatchewan — The Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) reported 263 fraudulent insurance cases in 2023, resulting in an approximate total value of $5.9 million dollars. Read below to see some of the strangest automotive claims as SGI describes them.

Decoy for a vehicle theft

Someone who reported her vehicle stolen said thieves must have stolen her vehicle after she dropped her keys on the driveway while carrying bags into the house. Months later, SGI received a tip from someone who overheard the driver telling her friends that she had hit three parked vehicles while under the influence.

SGI determined that the woman had fabricated her claim to avoid the consequences of her actions. She admitted to lying and withdrew her claim, resulting in about $50,000 in savings for SGI.

A clue for SIU

A person’s tip to SGI’s investigative unit said they witnessed a man unloading a vehicle and then vandalizing it. The anonymous tipster said they believed the man was the owner of the vehicle. SGI’s investigative unit found three different claims involving three vehicle owners, with four things in common. All vehicles suffered extensive damage, were purchased for the same amount, were listed as a rebuild and all three owners used the same address and phone number. It was determined that the owners were related and the vehicles were intentionally damaged in an attempt to commit fraud. The claims were withdrawn, saving SGI $30,000 dollars.

Nowhere to Hide

A man claimed his vehicle was stolen while he was out shopping. After receiving a tip about the location of the vehicle, it was found and revealed that he left his vehicle at the location months before and never returned. Police charged him with fraud and public mischief. The claim was denied and the man had to pay $4,300 to SGI.

To read more of SGI’s strangest fraud claims in 2023, click here.


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