Toronto, Ontario — March 11, 2015 — Standard Auto Wreckers was in the news again twice recently, hosting reporters from CBC Television for a segment on how the cold temperatures we’ve experienced this past winter have led to many plastic bumper covers cracking.
While a cracked bumper cover may not be pleasant, it’s the subject of the second segment that has raised the ire of many across Toronto. A recent rash of catalytic converter thefts has plagued the city, with numerous businesses targeted. Even more appalling, a charity that refurbishes used furniture was also targeted, losing the cats out of several of its trucks.
As every recycler knows, catalytic converters are valuable, even as scrap, due to the precious metals contained within. Thefts typically occur to vehicles that are parked for prolonged periods, such as overnight, in an outdoor lot. Also, thieves typical target trucks, pick-ups, and SUVs, as these vehicles sit higher off the ground, making it easier for the thieves to access the converters without jacking up the vehicle.
You can see a report on the thefts in the player below.