

Fix Auto Drayton Valley’s journey to recovery

In May 2023, Drayton Valley, an Alberta town known for its tight-knit community, faced a daunting threat as wildfires loomed on its doorstep. Fix Auto Drayton Valley, led by owners Andy and Lana Moritz and General Manager Adrianna, found itself at the heart of this disaster. The crisis began with a dire phone call at 11p.m. on May 4 from Adrianna to Lana.

“The wildfires are rapidly approaching Drayton Valley, and we’ve received evacuation orders,” Adrianna reported, her voice shaking. In about an hour, Adrianna had to pack what she could and hit the road with her kids on what would be a four-hour journey to their family in Camrose, Alberta, leaving everything else behind—including her husband, who stayed behind to help shut off the oil and gas wells. The entire staff was displaced, finding refuge with family, in schools or in surrounding community camps.

Shortly after the fires neared the city, power outages severed all connections to the shop. Without access to files, the team had no idea where the cars were or how many vehicles were on-site, creating a stressful situation, especially when insurance companies demanded information. Adrianna’s photographic memory became a critical asset during this chaotic period.

“We were in a state of complete disarray,” Lana recalled. “Adrianna’s ability to recall details was invaluable.” After two weeks of uncertainty, the evacuation orders were lifted just before the long weekend in May. No one knew what they’d be returning to, and staff were given some additional time to organize themselves. Upon returning to the community, seeing the acreage that had been destroyed was devastating.

“The scale of the damage was shocking,” Lana said. “The fire had reached right up to a town monument. Any closer and several establishments would have been destroyed as well.” The power was still unstable, and essential equipment like paint booths and servers were damaged due to surges and outages.

Despite the fortunate lack of smoke damage, the shop faced chaos with weeks worth of vehicles requiring rescheduling. Claims continued to pour in, and the administration became a nightmare. June bookings were pushed to September, and it took nearly eight months to catch up on production. “The scale of rescheduling and managing claims was overwhelming,” said Adrianna. “But we knew we had to keep pushing forward.”

The wildfires caused immense personal, financial, and emotional devastation. Staff and management dealt with the stress of displacement, the uncertainty of returning home, and the monumental task of resuming operations. “The emotional toll was significant,” reflected Lana. “But the resilience of our team was truly inspiring.”

Customers, dealing with their own trauma from the wildfires, would often take their frustrations out on the shop. “People were in distress,” Adrianna explained. “It was challenging to manage their stress while dealing with our own, but we empathized with their situation.”

Living in Calgary, Lana and Andy depended heavily on Adrianna’s leadership in Drayton Valley. Adrianna set up a group chat for staff, ensuring everyone stayed connected and supported. She tirelessly organized check-ins, communicated with customers and insurance companies, and coordinated inventory with the greater Fix Auto brand support team. Her dedication and hard work were instrumental in guiding the team through this crisis.

“Adrianna was the anchor we all needed,” said Lana. “Her leadership was crucial in keeping the business afloat.” Despite the devastation, no staff members lost their homes. The fire reached the town’s edge, but miraculously, it stopped just meters short of causing further destruction. The Drayton Valley community held lunches and supported each other, showcasing their resilience.

“The community spirit was incredible,” Adrianna noted. “Everyone came together to support each other in ways we could never have imagined.”

Adrianna’s leadership, coupled with the team’s dedication, exemplified the spirit of Drayton Valley. They navigated through one of the toughest times in their lives with perseverance and commitment. Adrianna’s exceptional leadership during this crisis not only saved the business but also reinforced the bond within the team and the community.

“I’ll never forget that phone call with Adrianna,” said Lana. “We are incredibly thankful that everyone was safe and that we could rebuild stronger than before.”

Through their hard work and resilience, Fix Auto Drayton Valley emerged from the ashes, poised to embrace the future with renewed strength and unity.

Their journey through hardship underscored their collective strength and community spirit, truly embodying the ethos of the Fix Auto brand. In their unwavering resilience and dedication, they have demonstrated that teamwork and perseverance conquer every obstacle.



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