Regina, Saskatchewan — March 23, 2015 — February’s focus on traffic safety saw police hand out 245 tickets for distracted driving, according to Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI).
The total joins 1,072 additional offences for speeding/aggressive driving, 397 tickets issued for failure to stop at a red light or stop sign, 301 occupant restraint violations related to the lack/misuse of a seatbelt/car seat/booster seat, as well as 75 impaired driving-related offences.
SGI is reminding motorists to focus on driving while behind the wheel, adding that the only multitasking required is related to the task at hand, such as scanning mirrors, looking ahead for hazards and paying attention to surroundings. Drivers should always pull over to send texts or take calls.
Law enforcement will continue to focus on occupant safety—including the use of car seats, booster seats, and seatbelts—throughout March.
To learn more about distracted driving laws and related penalties, or get more information about the Road Safety Challenge, please follow @SGItweets on Twitter for tips on how #wecandrivebetter.
For more information on SGI, go to