
Peace of Mine: GM to align with IRMA mining standard in EV supply chain

Detroit, Michigan — In the ongoing effort to establish credibility as a sustainable automaker, General Motors has announced that it has joined the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA).

Going forward, GM will be responsible for maintaining the standards set out by IRMA as the company seeks to develop a sustainable electric vehicle supply chain.

According to GM’s press release, IRMA operates under the four principles of Business Integrity, Planning for Positive Legacies, Social Responsibility and Environmental Responsibility.

“GM recognizes the important role we play within our supply chain, and we’re committed to making sure it reflects our dedication to social and environmental priorities,” said GM’s v-p of global purchasing and supply chains, Shilpan Amin. 

“Joining IRMA will help us conduct business with suppliers and partners whose standards and actions align with our approach to integrity, responsible sourcing and supply chain management. As we shift to an all-electric future, we look forward to helping advance the establishment of a responsible mining industry alongside other IRMA members.”

Part of IRMA’s role with GM will be to encourage comprehensive, third-party assessments of mining practices while advancing a range of issues including health and safety, waste management, and compliance with local and international laws.

“With GM’s engagement in IRMA membership, a strong signal is being sent that the company’s commitment to safety, inclusivity and climate response reaches all the way up their supply chains to the lands and communities where raw materials are sourced,” said IRMA executive director Aimee Boulanger. 

“This powerful message has the opportunity to forward value for greater environmental and social responsibility around the world. We are thrilled to work together for a shared purpose.”


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