“The collision repair industry’s competition site has a very large footprint in Ontario, with both onsite Autobody Repair and Auto Painting events. Many Ontario schools send their students to compete, so our competitions are near full capacity” says Leanne Jefferies, Director of the Skills Canada collision repair program. The industry support required to host skills competitions is significant. “Thank you to all the companies who provided parts, paint, materials, equipment, and manpower to setup, and run this event”. The two day competition is the largest of its kind in Canada, bringing in over 30,000 attendees and 2,300 competitors from across the province.
“The students have a great time and have an opportunity to try out the latest and greatest in equipment and tools. They also enjoy working alongside their peers, who share their passion in collision repair,” says Jefferies. Students also get expert training at the event – the first half of the first day of the competitions is spent in training, giving students a chance to prepare for the days ahead, and sending them home with advanced skills.
The collision repair program for Skills Canada made a few new strides this year. According to Jefferies, half of the competitors in auto painting were women. This, she says, opens doors and inspires other women to compete, too. The car painting competition’s virtual paint booth also won first prize for Best Booth, because of its high levels of student engagement.
The focus of Day One (Monday, May 7) at the Skills Ontario Competition was on elementary student participation and skill development. Elementary students from across the province participated in a range of workshops and challenges designed to introduce them to career opportunities and relevant skills in the skilled trades and technologies.
The secondary and post-secondary-level contests took place on Day one and two. Competitors were judged on their skills in completing their contest project, as well as their job interview skills and related soft skills. Winners were announced at the Skills Ontario Closing Ceremony on Wednesday, May 9 at the Toronto Congress Centre (North Building).
“The collaboration and support from many industry, education, labour, and government partners, including the Government of Ontario, allows Skills Ontario to offer valuable skill development, experiential learning, and mentorship opportunities at the Skills Ontario Competition,” says Ian Howcroft, CEO of Skills Ontario. “Together with our partners, our goal is to provide a skills solution that benefits our youth, our economy, and the quality of life that we enjoy here in Ontario.”
Auto Collision Repair
Post-Secondary First Place: Nick Denny of Algonquin College
Post-Secondary Second Place: Cody Yates of Centennial College
Post-Secondary Third Place: Scott Partridge of Fanshawe College
Secondary First Place: Matt Jack of Simcoe County DSB
Secondary Second Place: Liam Alford of Limestone DSB
Secondary Third Place: Tyler Mcnamee of Halton DSB
Auto Painting
Post-Secondary First Place: Maggie Friesen of Fanshawe College
Post-Secondary Second Place: Catherine Mathewson of Centennial College
Post-Secondary Third Place: Jordan Fairman of Algonquin College
Secondary First Place: Logan Williams of Limestone DSB
Secondary Second Place: Zoe Pohlman of BLuewater DSB
Secondary Third Place: Nicole Witney of Halton DSB