By CRM Staff
Toronto, Ontario – July 12, 2018 — Ontario will now have access to Canada’s first pas-as-you-go auto insurance plan.
The CAA MyPace program allows consumers to pay for insurance based on their vehicle usage. Casual drivers who log less than 9,000 kilometres a year will stand to benefit most from the offer.
“CAA MyPace has been generating a great deal of interest in the market, and we’re excited to offer this new program to Ontario drivers,” said Matthew Turack, president of CAA Insurance Company. “Drivers now have access to an insurance option designed to meet the needs of their individual lifestyles and puts choice and control back in their hands.”
The system works based on a telematics device users plug into their car to track usage. Customers would pay a base fee, in addition to being charged in 1,000 kilometre increments. Notifications are sent to drivers when they approach the conclusion of a 1,000-kilometre increment, making usage rates easy to track.
CAA MySpace insurance quotes are now available. For more information on the program visit