Your staff deserve air conditioning
Would you want to work in a sauna? Probably not. As Canadians, we’re blessed to experience the four seasons: from the snowy, whiteout conditions in the winter months to the blazing hot storm-inducing temperatures of summer. As such, though, we are burdened with the responsibility of the HVAC. Believe it or not, your team has no desire to work in minus 20-degree temperatures, nor do they want to spend the summers wishing they were knee-deep in the cool grips of a snowbank. If you don’t have air conditioning in your facility, your team surely has a bone to pick.
Without cool air on a 35°C day, your staff will burn out by noon. Productivity drops once you’re working in temperatures beyond 25°C. If an A/C installation isn’t in the cards right now, try these tips to let your team feel the breeze on a budget:
• High-volume, low-speed (HVLS) fans—usually installed overhead—can provide your team some comfort, without blowing things about
• Consider your lighting situation; LED bulbs are cheaper and cooler than halogens