By CRM staff
Toronto, Ontario — October 23, 2018 —Today if a shop does not employ diagnostics scanner trained technicians or lacks the knowledge to perform the repair, CarGeekSquad, an on-demand online service linked with vehicle gurus can be called in minutes.
This service operates similar to Netflix or Amazon, and has become a viable source of added income for shop owners, technicians and estimators who have the necessary credentials to become a guru.
Vehicle gurus are alerted through their smart phones when there is a request from a shop and then can receive over $100 for every shop session and positive rating, while the sponsor receives a referral fee.
With this form of technology available it matches the needs of a collision shop that doesn’t have the right tools or knowledge to go online and get someone who does.
In order to become a vehicle guru, there is a strict review process before being allowed to register, including approval from a sponsor and other gurus.