By Tom Davis
Richmond Hill, Ontario — November 16, 2017 — NAPA Auto Parts Ontario has raised $15,000 for the Children’s Make a Wish Foundation at its annual golf tournament.
The event, which NAPA Auto Parts Ontario holds each year, took place at Richmond Hill Golf Club. People from across the collision repair and automotive industry came together to raise money for charity as well as connect with friends and colleagues.
The tournament raised $7,500 for the charity, while a generous donation from one of NAPA’s employees, Brian Baier, took the total to $15,000. Baier matched the initial amount raised in memory of his parents.
Christine Herr, Marketing and Events Coordinator for NAPA, told Collision Repair magazine: “Approximately half way through this year’s charity tournament, we were rained out. This is the first time in 14 years that this has happened. However, that did not dampen anyone’s spirits and we were still able to raise $7,500. One of our employees, Brian Baier, generously matched that donation (in memory of his parents) to bring our total donation to $15,000.”
The money raised will help the Children’s Make A Wish Foundation grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions.
Herr added: “This is the second year we have donated to the Children’s Make A Wish Foundation. The golfers in our tournament consist of our supplier partners, our stores, our store’s customers and employees.”
The tournament was followed by a dinner where participants received awards and prizes for their participation throughout the day.
For more information about NAPA or its 2018 golf tournament, visit