By CRM Staff
Toronto, Ontario — March 30, 2018 — Collision Advice CEO Mike Anderson outlined OEM requirement for destructive test welds during a webinar reports Repairer Driven News. In the online event aimed at collision repair professionals, Anderson also speculated that bodyshops were not always practising these techniques.
According to RDN, Anderson cited passages from a Fiat-Chrysler repair manual, “Weld coupons identical to the repair situation need to be created to help set up the welding equipment and weld process. These coupons then should be destructively tested to ensure proper quality welds are being made.”
As far as Anderson was concerned, it was less important whether or not test welds are included in the repair procedure than whether or not technicians are doing them. “We need to make sure that we’re doing that,” he said. For technicians concerned about how to do the test welding, Anderson said that weld supply businesses will be able to provide the needed materials.
He also advised techs to remember that the weld coupons need to be identical to the OEM originals and to allot for enough time to perform more than one destructive test weld, should the tools need recalibrating to perform the repair properly.
For more information, view Anderson’s full webinar video on his Youtube channel here: