By CRM Staff
Toronto, Ontario — May 16, 2018 — Martech Services Company has released a new air system.
Tom Wright, director of sales and marketing for Martech, says, “The Model 50-WB has all the features of a Quality Air Breathing System, Model 50 series system, plus the additional ability to lower the dew point and relative humidity for spraying waterborne paints.” He continues, “It only makes sense that if the air is safe for breathing air, then it would be superior sprayable air. Add to that a way to lower the dew point and the relative humidity and you have a complete combo system.”
The Model 50-WB is designed to work with your existing compressed air source to properly filter and monitor the compressed air for Grade “D” Breathable Air. The system is also said to provide “Ultra Clean” and “Ultra Dry Air” for use in spraying waterborne or solvent based paints. This system can handle up to two painters at the same time, says Martech. The Model 50-WB is a 50 SCFM system and is also available in an 80 SCFM system.
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