
‘Lifting it Right’ ALI training course now available

Cortland, New York — January 17, 2014 — The new online version of the Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) “Lifting It Right” vehicle lift safety training course is now live.

The course is produced by ALI and hosted by racing legends Richard and Kyle Petty. ALI partnered with dealer services provider KPA, which has trained more than 1 million automotive industry professionals, to adapt material from the popular Lifting It Right DVD into an interactive, web-based format. The information presented applies to lift operators at dealerships, independent shops, government agencies, vocational schools and other facilities.

“With health and safety officials increasing their focus on vehicle service providers throughout North America, it is crucial that members of the service and repair industry take ownership of safety issues and embrace a proactive approach to accident prevention,” says R.W. “Bob” O’Gorman, ALI president. “Safety materials developed by ALI, such as this training program, allow employers to take a leadership role in service bay safety instead of simply reacting to penalty-based enforcement programs.”

In Lifting It Right: 2014 Online Edition, a narrator guides trainees through curriculum covering lift types, the lifting and lowering process and lift maintenance. Throughout the presentation, real-world scenarios with corresponding questions are presented to engage participants, who interact with the content and receive immediate feedback when answering the questions. The interactive elements provide a positive learning environment and reinforce the trainee’s understanding of each topic presented before moving forward.

At the conclusion of the program, a certificate of completion is generated and stored online. It can also be printed and displayed or filed if desired.

“The ability to manage training records online is probably the biggest benefit to shop operators, beyond minimizing the slowdown of productivity associated with traditional workforce-styled classroom training,” says O’Gorman. “With online records, there is no need to print and score a written test and then store a certificate. When training compliance needs to be demonstrated, the manager can just pull up each employee’s record on the computer.”

To learn more, or to register, please visit AutoLift.org.


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