
I-CAR Conference extends early bird conference deadline

Toronto, Ontario — July 18, 2014 — The I-CAR Conference on July 30 is just over six weeks away, and now you have a few extra days remaining to save $50 on your registration fee. The Early Bird Special has been extended to June 27, allowing you to visit the Conference website and register online for just $250. Your spouse or guest can join you for only $125. 

Every attendee also receives a free two-day pass to the NACE|CARS Expo for July 31 and August 1.
The I-CAR Conference has arranged a lineup of powerhouse speakers. Following the morning sessions with leaders from Ford Motor Company, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Steel Market Development Institute and Alcoa, the first afternoon session will focus on the changing DNA of the vehicle.
The keynote speaker for the afternoon is Lawrence D. Burns, Ph.D., Professor of Engineering Practice at the University of Michigan and former V.P., R&D and Planning, for General Motors Corporation, where his responsibilities included advanced technology development. He expanded GM R&D to a global organization with science labs, science offices, and collaborative research labs throughout the world.
A member of the National Academy of Engineering, Dr. Burns has a deep knowledge of transportation systems, energy systems, connected and driverless vehicles, and related arenas. At the Conference, he will offer his insights on reinventing the automobile.
The second afternoon session features leaders in advanced electronics, communications and safety.
Kay Stepper, Ph.D., V.P, Driver Assistance and Automated Driving, Chassis Systems Control, for Robert Bosch LLC discusses the latest advancements in collision avoidance and driver safety systems
Debby Bezzina, Senior Program Manager, Safety Pilot Model Deployment, University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute, explores the Ann Arbor connected-vehicle test environment.
The afternoon concludes with Sean Carey, President, SCG Management Consultants LLC, who looks at vehicle data and reinventing the claims process.
Early Bird sign-ups are still available, saving you $50 off the standard registration fee for the 2014 I-CAR Conference. You can register for the Conference here

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