
Headline for dent app

Colorado Springs, Colorado — April 10, 2014 — A collision repairing duo has developed an app for Apple’s assortment of devices that aims to limit the number of false insurance claims and provide technicians a one-stop tool to document estimates.

“All these years we’ve had to worry about whether our memory cars were full when taking pictures for example, but when you use the App you can do a better check-in, ” says App co-developer and Dent Guy owner James Bishop. “The really neat thing is that you can do so many things with the check-in function.”

The Ding Stinger can be used for a number tasks, such as VIN number scans, taking photographs of all body damage, compose estimates and most interestingly provides a wide-ranging shareability option that allows all the compiled information from a given estimate to be shared between the technicians, the estimators and adjustors, and the customer every step of the way.

“It’s basically a cosmetic damage vehicle check-in app that’s customizable and comes with that ability to take photos, but has also a VIN scanner, estimating software and the ability to create a PDF from all the information in the report and send it to everyone invovled in an email,” he says. “You can actually have multiple devices authorized on one subscription, making it really easy to share.”

Another feature Bishop notes is a dent counter, allowing estimators to tap their screens each time their count a dent which is accompanied by a vibration option and ability to easily add multipliers for situations where there might be multiple dents in a single location.

The App is currently available for Apple’s devices for free, while you must subscribe to the service for $36/month or $299/year to fully access its features. To this point, the app has been purchased well over 200 times, with over 2,000 downloads.

Bishop says an update to the system is forthcoming that will add additional features specific to technicians, paintless dent repairers, while an Android version is currently in development and expected to be released in the next six months.



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