Toronto, Ontario — June 19, 2019 – The next installment of the Elite Bodyshop Solutions webinar series begins June 25, and will be hosted by Dave Luehr.
Developing a Smokin Hotttt Culture the webinar will highlight the challenging business environment that collision repairers experience and how to develop a strong business culture in the industry.
The premiere episode will feature Mike Jones, president of Discover Leadership — a U.S.-based leadership development program.
“How does your business measure up to this standard?” Jones asked in a press release. “Whatever the current state of affairs at your business is, we all occupy the largest room in the house and that is the room for improvement.”
Jones is considered an industry leader and dedicated motivator. He has published six books, hundreds of articles, as well as hosted a TV show and had his own segments on NBC for more than ten years.
Luehr launched the webinar in 2014 with hopes of showing people in the collision repair industry their possible blind spots, how to go beyond the norms and create a better version of themselves for their team.
The team is pleased to host Jones on the first episode of this series and welcome other accomplished leaders on the Webinar.
All of the previous webinars can be found online for free at