Sackville, Nova Scotia — In this final installment of this year’s Driving Into 2025 series, we head to the East Coast to hear from Robbie Shreenan, owner and operator of Topcoat Automotive.
When asked what he’s most looking forward to in the new year, Shreenan said it’s all about setting the right goals.
“The biggest thing I look forward to in a new year is goals. I love to set new goals at the first of the year. Clear goals help me get motivated and keep me on track for where I want to be in 20 years.”
When considering how one can best achieve their set goals, Shreenan says it’s also all about understanding three key factors.
“For myself,” Shreenan continued, “it comes down to three areas. The first is sales growth percentages. Do I need more technicians or a different work style, new tools or added service? How do I get the growth I want?”
“The second area for consideration is adding one more DRP partner: where do I need to network this year to meet that partner?”
“And finally, it’s about looking at staff and technician training and answering the questions of who, where and when.”
“Ultimately,” Shreenan concluded, “writing down and planning my goals gives me direction and keeps me focused.”
Check out Robbie Shreenan on the cover of Collision Repair mag here.