
Combustion Cancellations: Quebec to ban the sale and renting of all ICE vehicles and plug-in hybrids by 2035

Quebec City, Quebec — The Ministry of Environment, Fight Against Climate Change and Wildlife Parks have tabled a draft regulation towards the complete ban of the sale and renting of new internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles starting in 2035.

According to a government media release, “the draft regulation targets new light combustion vehicles of the 2034 model year and earlier, which will no longer be able to be sold or leased in Quebec as of January 1, 2035. For vehicles of the 2035 model year and later, it will be prohibited to sell or lease them in Quebec, whether new or used. These prohibitions would apply to all industry players, including physical or online merchants, as well as to citizens. In addition, it is expected that an assessment of market maturity will be carried out by the government around 2030, in order to allow for possible adjustments to ensure a successful transition in 2035.”

The current draft regulation is subject to a public consultation for a 45 day period. According to the media release, “persons wishing to submit comments are invited to do so in writing no later than August 25, 2024.”

Following this period, the draft regulation will be reviewed and republished in its final form, “with a view to a desired entry into force by December 31, 2024.”

To see the full report, click here.


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