By CRM Staff
Toronto, Ontario – September 5, 2018 —Transport Canada awarded more than $300,000 to various Ottawa organizations who developed cleantech auto projects, as reported by the Ottawa Business Journal.
The groups were tasked with the challenge of advancing new technologies in order to reduce the carbon footprint of Canada’s transportation sector.
Carleton University was one of the organizations awarded last week, being selected to receive two separate grants. The University will receive $50,000 to support research into how cities can best design infrastructure for the integration of autonomous vehicles. Additionally, Carleton will also receive up to $50,000 from the clean rail grant program to study new railcar designs and lightweight materials and how they can be used to reduce the industry’s carbon emissions.
In the past Carleton has partnered with Blackberry QNX to develop technologies to combat cyber-attacks from connected cars. The University has also worked with the Information and Communications Technology Council to give students the opportunity co-op with autonomous vehicle companies.
Ottawa will receive $140,000 for the purpose of installing smart traffic signals on roads, in hopes of improving traffic flows and reducing vehicle emissions.
Unmanned Systems Canada will be hosting a competition for students wanting to learn more about automated vehicle systems. The Canadian Automobile Association will also be donating $25,000 toward informing Canadians on the rapidly-changing vehicle technologies.