
CIIA offers basic estimating and Certificate of Qualification prep course in May

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Hamilton, Ontario — April 11, 2016 — Collision Industry Information Assistance (CIIA) has announced new training opportunities taking place in May. CIIA plans to offer both its basic estimating collision repair training course and its Certificate of Qualification prep course in Cambridge and London, Ontario.

Now in its twentieth year, the basic estimating course is designed to help shop or office employees, new estimators and insurance company staff who may need assistance in estimating collision damage on cars and light trucks in Ontario.The two-day course includes introduction to estimating, understanding vehicle construction, fundamentals of estimate writing, understanding collision manuals, additional charges and collision damage analysis.

Classes run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The London course takes place at Fanshawe College on May 6 and 7. The Cambridge course takes place on May 20 and 21. The cost is $550, plus HST, per person for CIIA members and $750, plus HST, per person, for non-members. Prepayment is mandatory.

CIIA has also scheduled a new class to help unlicensed techs successfully complete Ontario’s provincial trades license exam. The prep courses are offered in both London and Cambridge and last nine nights, with classes held Monday and Wednesday night. The London class starts on May 9. Classes in Cambridge commence on May 24. No classes will be held on Victoria Day, which falls on May 23.

The course cost is $1,000, plus HST, for non-members of CIIA and $800, plus HST, for CIIA members.

CIIA also offers a no-charge Technician Equivalency package to help those that have the necessary hours of work experience, but no formal apprentice training.

Employers may be eligible for a rebate totaling two-thirds of the cost of either or both of these courses. For more information on these rebates or to register for these courses, please contact the CIIA office at 1-866-309-4272 or via email to info@ciia.com.


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