
Chelsea Stebner: Don’t drop the ball on bettering your business

By Chelsea Stebner When the boss comes back from a conference and is ready to change the world.   Wait…I am that person these days… However, I do remember being the employee and that happening. Everyone joked about it. Let’s be honest, we all still joke about it. Because that is what often happens.   You have […]

Editor’s Log: The consolidation storm before the calm

Toronto, Ontario– If a leading theory about industries going through periods of consolidation is true, the collision repair sector might be at the tail end of the storm before a long period of calm. First described in a 2002 article for the Harvard Business Review, the basic idea of the consolidation curve is that consolidation […]

Andrew Shepherd: Solving Ontario’s premium problem

By Andrew Shepherd News that auto insurance rates in Ontario are going up as much as 11 percent is surely daunting to the province’s drivers – Ontario already boasts the country’s second-highest rates. Perhaps a solution can be found by looking West? Canada’s public insurance provinces are adopting ‘universal’ collision repair standards covering training, equipment […]

Editor’s Log: CCIF Toronto’s Grand Slam

By Gideon Scanlon Toronto, Ontario — If you are trying to get leaders in the auto repair sector together to discuss the issues they share, you will have to overcome four big challenges. First, that the day-to-day involvement of the guests in the collision business will vary wildly. Second, that it is very difficult to highlight […]

Feeling the Cold: Is Canada being crushed on the repair front?

By Gideon Scanlon Too commonly, Canadians feel a sort of performance anxiety when comparing their businesses to similar ones based in the United States. It is true that productivity tends to lag behind in Canada. It is also commonly felt that Canadian should look southward to see what their industries will look like in a […]

Addressing Insurance: The path to fair and effective regulation of the collision repair industry

By Andrew Shepherd In our last epistle in this space, we discussed the world-leading approach of Canada’s public insurance provinces in adopting ‘universal’ collision repair standards covering training, equipment and business operations. Manitoba, Saskatchewan and B.C. are addressing consumer safety and insurance cost control through the regulatory powers of government insurance agencies. In Saskatchewan, this […]

Serial Satisfaction: Do you care about your business?

By Jay Perry When pondering this question or presenting it to a client, I prefer asking, ‘do you give a damn?’ as it conveys a much more powerful⁠—and potentially negative sensation. Many people apply this colloquialism in situations where they are not really bothered by something⁠—brushing something off as meaningless. The reality is that we […]

Fly Me to the Downtown Core: Autonomous aircraft could reshape our world

By Gideon Scanlon For all the ink spilled about the effects that autonomous road vehicles will have on the collision repair industry, their near-future ubiquity is, by no means, certain. Ironically enough, with every improvement to self-driving technologies, the likelihood of their future ubiquity becomes ever less certain. Why? Because once you teach a computer […]

Connection Intention: Chelsea Stebner on fostering connection in the workplace

By Chelsea Stebner We often joke about being a big family, yet it’s not a joke, it’s truth. True connection in the workplace is invaluable. It nurtures healthy relationships and drives teamwork. As a leader in your organization, do this check-in with yourself; When was the last time you walked through the shop and said […]
