March Madness: Storm in March caused $50-million in insured damage in eastern Canada
Toronto, Ontario — A storm that moved across eastern Canada from March 26 to 29, caused $50 million in insured damage, according to initial estimates from Catastrophe Indices and Quantification Inc. (CatIQ). Damage reports associated with the storm that brought heavy rain and strong winds spanned the region, from basements being flooded in southern Ontario […]
Fewer Fees: Manitoba commits to reducing vehicle registration fees
Winnipeg, Manitoba — The Manitoba government says it will be reducing vehicle registration fees on July 1, for the second year in a row, Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler announced on Thursday. “As part of our government’s Budget 2021 announcement, we’ve committed to protecting Manitobans’ income by reducing vehicle registration fees by a further 10 per […]
To Each Their Own: MPI makes compensation agreements directly with Manitoba body shops, automotive associations displeased
Winnipeg, Manitoba — Last Fall, Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) and two automotive associations entered into negotiations to discuss compensation increases. However, after many months of negotiations, MPI determined that negotiations with the Manitoba Motor Dealers Association (MMDA) and the Automotive Trades Association (ATA) could no longer proceed. And it exercised its right to terminate the industry […]
Wednesday Wisdom: Sean LeBlanc SGI’s senior director of Corporate Claims Improvement and Strategic Partnerships
Toronto, Ontario — Over the course of this year, repair shop partners have shared concerns with some of SGI’s processes, including not always receiving timely responses from them. In response, Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) introduced a new position: Claims Industry Partner Representative. The goal of this position is to improve communication between SGI and the […]
Salvage Shock: After renewing car insurance N.S. family finds out car is uninsurable
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia — Two years ago, Lisa Burnie’s daughter purchased her first vehicle. It was a 2009 Hyundai Elantra, which she bought from O’Regan’s Direct Wholesale in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, according to CBC. However, just two weeks ago when Burnie was looking to renew her daughter’s insurance she received some shocking news. She found […]
So Long Speeding: ICBC and B.C. police launch campaign aimed to reduce speeding
Vancouver, British Columbia — ICBC and police across the province are launching a month-long campaign focusing on speed and urging drivers to slow down. “Those who chose to speed excessively, change lanes aggressively, tailgate, disobey traffic lights and signs are willingly putting themselves and the public at risk for serious injury or death. In May, […]
Modified Decision: Ontario man denied insurance claim after making modifications to his sports car
Toronto, Ontario — After modifying his sports car a 21-year-old Ontario man was denied an insurance claim. According to a Global News article, a year ago Modasir Ayobi decided to lease a 2020 Subaru BRZ for $500 per month. Ayobi takes great pride in his sports car. He even works two jobs to be able to […]
Token of Trust: CAA named most trusted brand in Canada by Gustavson Brand Trust Index
Toronto, Ontario — The Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) has been named the most trusted brand in Canada for the second year in a row in the annual Gustavson Brand Trust Index, released on May 3, 2021. CAA has been rated one of Canada’s top two most trusted brands in the index for five years running. […]
Storm Watch: IBC kicks off Emergency Preparedness Week with Top 10 Tips to protect you and your property from severe weather
Toronto, Ontario — Severe weather is on the rise across Canada, all while the nation grapples with the pandemic. That’s why the Insurance Bureau of Canada is cautioning Canadians to plan ahead and be prepared. “Climate change is already causing more frequent and severe weather events across Canada,” said Craig Stewart, vice president of federal […]
Klein on Claims: SGI introduces new position to improve communication between the company and the auto repair industry
Toronto, Ontario — On May 3, Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) introduced a new position—Claims Industry Partner Representative—to help improve communication between SGI and the auto repair industry. Over the past year, repair shop partners have shared concerns with some of SGI’s processes, including not always having the ability to receive timely responses from them. “You’ve […]