Toronto, Ontario — Automotive Recyclers of Canada Managing Director Steve Fletcher was featured on CTV News last Thursday, where he discussed the rise in catalytic converter thefts amid the pandemic.
“We are seeing a lot more activity as the pandemic unfolds,” Fletcher told CTV News. “We’ve been told there have been thefts from six charities or non-profits in the Niagara Falls area and it’s $4,000 to just repair just one truck. That’s a lot of money for a charity to come up with.”
According to CTV, thieves are targeting businesses that have shut their doors to comply with government protocols. A furniture store in North York, Ont. returned to their warehouse to complete curbside pickup orders last week and found the converter had been removed from their delivery van.
While there have been significant rises in thefts across the GTA, the problem spans across Canada. More than 400 converters have been stolen from vehicles in Calgary, and a recent rash of thefts have been reported in the Niagara Falls area.