By CRM Staff
Toronto, Ontario — June 14, 2018 —This year CARSTAR is creating their own version of the Calgary stampede at their second annual CARSTAR Momentum.
The three day event happening this Wednesday until Friday at the Telus Convention Centre in Calgary, will feature a few keynote speakers to discuss the ins and outs of the collision repair industry. The keynote speakers include, Mike Anderson; a collision repair expert, Vincent Romans; founding principal and managing partner of The Romans Group LLC, and Dragon Den’s W. Brett Wilson.
Anderson’s presentation will be discussing various topics, which include the future for collision repairers with self-driving cars and how telematics will influence the repair process. He will also be revealing the role that Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) play in the first notice of loss as well as how consumers determine which collision repair facility they will use.
Romans will be presenting his knowledge about the current and future trends with the global collision repair industry and providing insight on how to capitalize on opportunities that lie ahead.
Wilson will be sharing his journey to success as a celebrated Canadian entrepreneur and creative philanthropic.
Among the keynote presentations there are various informative sessions, a rodeo, a variety of food stations, as well as a charity walk.
CARSTAR has been devoted to finding a cure for Cystic Fibrosis for the past 20 years and to kick off the ceremony there will be a three kilometre walk referred to as Walk the Line. The charity walk will pass through the iconic Calgary Tower and along the Bow River, all the way to the Olympic Plaza. The walk requires a $50 charge which will go towards Cystic Fibrosis Canada and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
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