By CRM Staff
Toronto, Ontario — December 17, 2018 — is looking to help repair shops out, providing a new Guru-Sharing Service for accredited shop owners with up to $6,400 for “Employee Accreditation” and up to five percent cash back on product purchases made with rewards cards. The free online service, which is being piloted in the U.S. and Canada, will completely cover the costs of achieving I-CAR Gold class and ASE Blue Seal Business recognition.
“Under International GDPR Standards, shops owners are now responsible for their own electronic data,” said Grant Ford, national account sales at Snap-On.
“Technicians can use vendor tools, templates and widgets but no-one else can sign-off on data quality for you. Think about what risk assessment and validation burden you are prepared to accept under the new Pre- and post-scan reporting mandates now required by most vehicle manufacturers and insurance companies.”
Similar to Uber “Pro” driver’s rewards program, the Guru-Sharing Service will be distributing points to Gurus for completed “milestones” that will place them in various categories, including: partner (all Gurus), gold (30 to 60 points), platinum (60 to 120 points) and diamonds (120 to 180 points). Each assignment will have a value of one point, with certain surge periods being worth up to three points per assignment milestone.
Users can keep track of their points, which are based on fixed three-month periods, in CarGeekSquad’s app for CarGeekGuru’s. The number of points obtained within one of the fixed periods will determine the rewards you are eligible for in the next quarter.
In order to be eligible for the free Occupational Education and maximum perks, CarGeekSquad requires Gurus to maintain a rating of at least 4.85 stars while also having a “low cancellation rate.”
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