
Apprenticeship Impact: CAF-FCA’s Virtual National Symposium

Toronto, Ontario —  The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum (CAF-FCA) is inviting members of the apprenticeship community to participate in its Virtual National Symposium, taking place on October 14th, 2020 

The online event will discuss how the apprenticeship community has continued to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

CAF-FCA’s symposium will feature findings from the RBC’s Thought Leadership group to explore economic and hiring trends in apprenticeships. This will also provide updates on how the apprenticeship community has been navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The event will also allow for attendees to hear directly from Canadian apprentices about how they personally have navigated the COVID-19 pandemic. They will share their personal experiences from the last few months and will allow the chance to learn about what the apprenticeship community can do to support apprentices and create responsive solutions. 

The event will also allow for attendees to connect directly to other members of the apprenticeship community to discuss the challenges of hiring and training during the COVID-19 pandemic. The discussion will explore the use of technology and what the future of apprenticeship training may look like coming out of the global pandemic. 

To register for the event click here


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