By CRM staff
Toronto, Ontario — September 28, 2018 — On October 10, the Women’s Industry Network will host a live online broadcast “Developing a WINner’s Mindset – Pun Intended.”
Presented by the ever-engaging David Luehr of Elite Bodyshop Solutions, the half-hour presentation will focus on explaining what mindset ambitious members of the industry should adopt in their careers.
“Right now, is the greatest time in history to be in the collision repair business, but only for those with the right mindset”, said Luehr.
“WIN is pleased to offer this webinar as part of our educational series,” said April Lausch, membership committee co-chair.
As a 2016 WIN conference speaker, the WIN is pleased that he is participating in their webinar series.
“Dave is a long-time supporter of WIN and we are pleased that he is bringing this high-impact webinar to us”, added Michelle Sullivan, WIN chair.
The webinar is scheduled to happen on Wednesday, October 10, at 2:00 p.m. EST.
To register for the webinar please visit
To join WIN, please visit