by Darryl Simmons
Well, someone had to be first.
Blogging, so they say, is supposed to help us better connect with our readers and engage them in interesting topics. You probably don’t want to hear my Super Bowl pics or my view on the last sushi restaurant I visited, so let’s pick a collision repair topic. Hmmm. The biggest thing to come to mind is Friday’s (January 30, 2015) CCIF meeting in Toronto. There’s a great line up of speakers and I can vouch for the claim that it will be the best networking session of the season.
Meetings, especially big ones such as this, are wonderful places to catch up with old business friends and even make some new ones. It’s kinda like going to an Italian wedding of your cousin’s youngest kid — there’s always some news to take home.
Let’s face it, the gossip you hear in the hallways is always the best part of the day and the CCIF offers ample opportunity for chit-chat.
Looking forward to seeing you there.