Carlsbad, California — July 7, 2014 — Pro Spot has announced the availability of welders, wire, and training compatible with the Ford Collision Repair Program for the 2015 Ford F-150.
The program requires a dedicated aluminum MIG welding system. The welder must be 220V and equipped with Pulse MIG Technology. Pro Spot notes its SP-5 Smart MIG, SP-2 Smart MIG, and SP-1 Pulse MIG are all on Ford’s approved list of equipment.
Ford requires 5554 1.2mm aluminum welding wire for the program. According to Pro Spot, the SP MIG Series welders come equipped with the 5554 1.2 mm aluminum welding wire for the Ford F-150 Collision Repair Program, as well as Silicon Bronze for MIG Brazing on UHSS & HSS, and Steel (on the SP-5). The SP MIG Series has also been approved by GM for the Corvette cast extrusion.
Pro Spot provides a number of different training options. Along with the training that Ford requires for the Collision Repair Program, Pro Spot also offers:
I-CAR Courses
Approved & CASE certified courses on Squeeze Type Resistance Spot Welding & MIG Welding Training.
Pro Spot will teach three courses on Aluminum Repair and Plastic Bumper Repair:
– Wednesday, July 30th 1:30-3:00- Aluminum Welding & Repair
– Thursday, July 31st 3:30-5:00- Plastic Welding and Bumper Repair Course
– Friday, August 1st 1:30-3:00- Aluminum Welding & Repair
The company also offers local training and support through Pro Spot Representatives, online training through and videos on the Pro Spot YouTube channel.