
A Crusted Caper: Prince George Man arrested for stealing a Wonder Bread truck

Prince George, Alberta — According to CTV News, at the beginning of the month, a Prince George, Alberta man faces multiple charges after stealing a Wonder Bread truck and driving erratically.

The Grand Prairie RCMP were initially made aware of the crusted caper just after 11:45 a.m. on June 6th when they received a report that a Wonder Bread truck had been stolen from a Save on Foods and had been spotted being driven erratically.

CTV News said responding officers located the truck and were joined by other officers in pursuit of the vehicle.

At the request of Grande Prairie RCMP, tire deflation services were set up by officers from Beaverlodge and Spirit River, Alberta.

This measure successfully stopped the stolen vehicle at a Walmart parking lot in Grand Prairie. From here, two members of the public noticed a suspect walking away from the truck and were able to stop him long enough for officers to arrest the suspect.

As a result, a 44-year-old Prince George resident was charged with the theft of a motor vehicle, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle and failure to comply with a probation order.

Sgt. Michael Jasczcyszyn of Grand Prairie told CTV News that “fortunately most of the bread was saved, however, after the damage, the truck itself was toast.”

For Grand Prairie residents, the event marks a truly rye-otous scheme.


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