

The power of sharing ideas and finding common ground


As we dive into the vibrant season of network conferences, golf events and training sessions, it’s a perfect moment to reflect on the importance of sharing ideas and finding common ground. In the collision repair industry, we all face unique challenges daily—but it’s not always about the hurdles. It’s about the camaraderie, the learning and the growth that we experience together.

This season is an excellent time to step outside of our workplaces and connect with fellow professionals who understand the intricacies of our work. Whether you’re attending a network conference, participating in a training event, or enjoying a round of golf with industry peers, these gatherings provide invaluable opportunities to exchange knowledge, share experiences and build lasting relationships.

The collision repair industry is a community built on the foundation of collaboration and support. Each collision centre may operate under a different banner or work with different brands, but they all share a common goal: to deliver exceptional service and quality repairs to customers.

This shared mission is what brings us together, and it’s what makes events like the Canadian Council of Collision Repairers (CCCR) so vital. The CCCR is a fantastic platform for shop owners and managers to communicate in a brand-agnostic manner. It’s a space where ideas flow freely, challenges are discussed openly and solutions are crafted collaboratively. By participating in the CCCR, you’re not simply attending yet another event in your busy schedule; you’re contributing to the collective advancement of our industry. It’s an opportunity to learn from the best, share your insights and return to your business with a renewed sense of purpose and inspiration.

Looking ahead, we’re excited about the final legs of Collision Repair magazine’s Electric Vehicle (EV) Tour, supported by Fix Network, taking place this fall in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Montreal, Quebec. This cross-Canada tour has been an incredible journey, showcasing the latest advancements in electric vehicle repair and providing hands-on training to technicians across the country. If you haven’t already, mark your calendars and join us for these final events. It’s a chance to see cutting-edge technology in action and to network with some of the brightest minds in the industry.

At Collision Repair, we understand that staying connected and informed is crucial for success. That’s why we encourage you to take advantage of our Two Minute Tours. These quick video segments are a perfect way to brag about your shop, share your success stories and highlight the innovative practices that set you apart. It’s not just about showcasing your achievements; it’s about inspiring others and contributing to a culture of excellence within our industry. Plus, it’s easy! Just send us some clips of your facility and we’ll make the magic happen.

Remember, while the work we do is often challenging, it’s not always doom and gloom. There are countless moments of triumph, innovation, and joy that deserve to be celebrated. As always, we love hearing from you. Drop us a line to let us know what’s going on in your shop, share your insights and tell us how we can continue to support you. Your feedback and stories are what drive us to keep improving and delivering content that truly resonates with you. In closing, I want to express my gratitude for being part of such a dynamic and supportive community. The strength of our industry lies in our ability to come together, share ideas, and find common ground. Let’s make the most of this season’s events, learn from one another, and continue to elevate the collision repair industry to new heights.

Here’s to a season filled with collaboration, learning, and, most importantly, camaraderie.


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