By CRM Staff
Prosser, Washington — July 9, 2017 — The Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS) has released the second of three new SCRS Education Committee video discussions on the topic of MIG/MAG welding.
The first video in the series featured Andy Dingman of Dingman’s Collision Center, Michael Bradshaw of K&M Collision, Toby Chess of Kent Automotive and Dave Gruskos of Reliable Automotive Equipment discussing MIG/MAG welding considerations as they relate to equipment, facility, procedures, training and protective measures. You can see the first video in the series at this link.
The second video in the series features the same panelists, this time discussing MIG/MAG settings, setup and training considerations for collision repair facilities.
The video opens with a brief introduction of the panelists and topic. Chess gets the discussion started by noting technicians have to go back to basics by consulting the charts on the inside panels of most modern welders.
“If you have no idea where to start, you’re just playing with dials,” he says. “By knowing your machine and knowing what it’s capable of, and having that bit of data in there, gives you a starting place. So you open it up and look at the gas that you’re using, you look at the size of the wire, what type of wire, and it will give you the wire speed and it’ll give you the voltage that you should start with. Now you can start making your test weld.”
You can check out the latest video in the series in the player below.