By CRM Staff
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan — April 27, 2016 — Not just one, two but Saskatoon autobody shops have recently received awards from the Northern Saskatoon Business Association (NSBA). CSN-Kavia Auto Body, owned and operated by Raj Kavia, won the Business Builder Award. Parr Auto Body took two awards, one for Team Building and the other for Quality Management.
The awards ceremony brought together over 550 business and community leaders to Saskatoon’s Prairieland Park for the NSBA’s 20th Annual Business Builder Awards gala.
“On behalf of the NSBA Board and members, I congratulate this year’s Business Builder Award recipients,” said NSBA Board Chair, Bryan McCrea. “2016 presented some great opportunities and also some very challenging times, and this group of companies has not only navigated those waters, but done so with success. They have demonstrated endurance, creativity and a commitment to our great community. These companies and their leaders provide inspiring examples for all Saskatchewan businesses.”
Traditionally, the Business Builder Award is selected by a ballot vote by the membership during the nomination period, well in advance of the awards gala. This year four finalists for the Business Builder Award were determined by member voting. Attendees at the banquet determined the final winner through a “text-to-vote” competition. When all the votes were tallied, CSN-Kavia Auto Body was the business honoured with this year’s award.