
A Saputo Spectacle: Saputo Capital Collision celebrates grand opening of Aviva AutoCare Centre Mississauga South

Toronto, Ontario — Saputo Capital Collision Group celebrated the opening of its Aviva AutoCare Centre Mississauga South on Wednesday, welcoming dozens of industry members to the new facility. Family, friends, insurance representatives, suppliers and others gathered at 916 Winston Churchill Blvd. in Oakville, Ontario for an afternoon of festivities. Little Havana Cafe provided on-site refreshments […]

Throwback Thursday: CSN annual golf tournament, 2014

Toronto, Ontario — Time for another Throwback Thursday! With the summer heat well upon us, check out the seasonal fun captured in Collision Repair’s Flickr album. While 2014 may not seem like that long ago, this album will take you back a decade to when CSN industry members and friends hit the green for the company’s eighth-annual […]

Fatal Findings: P.E.I. most dangerous province for fatal collisions, says Trans Canada data

Toronto, Ontario — A crash report using data from Transport Canada and released by Ontario-based Preszler Injury Lawyers has revealed that of all the provinces, Prince Edward Island is the most dangerous for fatal collisions. The data, which looked at census details concerning casualty rates in 2021 per 100,000 people, specifically showed that P.E.I. had […]


General enrolment is increasing in the States—so what’s the story in Canada? By ALLISON ROGERS On April 1st—like a laughable April Fools’ joke to some members of the general public—an article called “How Gen Z Is Becoming the Toolbelt Generation” was published to the Wall Street Journal. The author, Te-Ping Chen, writes that “rising pay […]



INSPECTING INSPECTIONS The Nova Scotia government recently reviewed the requirements for motor vehicle inspections (MVI) but has opted to maintain current standards. A spokesperson for the Public Works Department originally told CBC News in a statement that the provincial government started looking at MVI fees at the beginning of this year. Currently, in Nova Scotia, […]


POTHOLE PERILS Transport Quebec has identified a pothole on Highway 40 as the likely cause of vehicle damages reported by a couple in April, including damage to a West Island couple’s windshield, which they described as being shattered by debris resembling a “meteor.” Transport Quebec received reports of vehicle damage on Highway 40 East near […]


regional news

ONTARIO OPT-OUTS New auto insurance rules outlined in the 2024 budget report delivered by Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy list that while medical, rehabilitation and attendant car benefits will continue to be mandatory for drivers, all other parts of auto insurance will be optional. The budget stipulates that auto insurance companies would be responsible first for […]



INTRODUCING INCENTIVES Manitoba’s newly elected New Democratic Party (NDP) government has now tabled its first budget, which includes electric vehicle (EV) incentives of up to $4,000. This incentive program represents the first time that the province has offered EV rebates. The program will specifically offer a $4,000 rebate for new EV and plug-in electric hybrid […]



CLIMBING CAPACITY The Government of Saskatchewan has announced it is investing an additional one million to increase the capacity of skilled trades in the province. With this additional funding, the total investment into the province’s Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) program has reached $22.4 million in the 2023 to 2024 period. The SATCC […]
